Research program administrators often find that its difficult to convince investigators to attend voluntary education courses, but this doesnt mean that institutions should give up on educating researchers. At least one institution has found a way to indirectly teach and update investigators about clinical trials rules, regulations, and processes.
IDSA urges federal measures to spur antibiotic development; NIH to make federally funded research public.
Its the one thing surveyors will be looking for in every corner of your ED during your next survey with the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations: Proof that patients in your ED receive safe care. The Joint Commissions new National Patient Safety Goals for 2005 include new requirements that will affect the ED dramatically.
Whats the toughest new requirement for EDs in the 2005 National Patient Safety Goals from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations? For many ED nurses, thats an easy question: They point without hesitation to the goal requiring that medications are reconciled across the continuum of care.
Its the worst pediatric trauma case youve ever seen in your ED: A child has life-threatening injuries from a motor vehicle accident. You rush to gather supplies and notice that the appropriate-sized chest tube is missing.
Would you like to improve patient flow by decreasing the number of nonurgent patients waiting for care in your already crowded ED waiting room? At University of Colorado Hospital in Denver, physicians and specially trained ED nurses perform an expedited medical screening examination (MSE) after triage but before registration, and they report dramatic results.
If there were a way you could substantially reduce the risk of infusion pump errors in your ED, would you do so? Surprisingly, although new technology is available that can prevent adverse outcomes from misprogrammed infusion pumps; only a small number of EDs are using this technology.